Consider joining the National Association of Hospice and Palliative Care Acupuncturists. We offer affiliate memberships to any school, organization, office business, or agency with ties to acupuncture, healthcare, and the hospice and palliative care communities. Affiliate members provide support, goods, or services to acupuncturists hospice patients and their circle of support. Affiliates understand the need to encourage and endorse the use of a specialized acupuncture protocol for treating people at the end of life. Our members promote this standard through communication and education with their own clients. We ask that affiliate members assist us in upholding the ideals of Dr. Cicely Saunders (founder of the modern hospice movement) whose ambition was that everyone should be able to die in a safe, peaceful, and pain-free environment.
Networking: Our affiliate members are listed in their own directory. Affiliates are listed by general category for one or two years. Your membership posting allows your company the option to give discounts or special offers to all NAHPCA members. Affiliate members also receive our quarterly newsletter, and 10% discount on all our products (if bulk orders, shipping and handling charges may apply).
Affiliate Memberships
Education: Research has proven that combining treatments in Oriental Medicine with hospice and/or palliative care modalities leads to significant benefits in patient comfort levels. We offer lectures, workshops. and on-line education to any affiliate organization, or agency interested in learning more about incorporating the use of acupuncture and Asian Medicine into the treatment of hospice, palliative care and terminally-ill patients.